Polygon Reduction Deformer Effect-灰猩猩(Greyscalegorilla)C4D视频教程 

2012-09-29 23:44 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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Polygon Reduction Deformer Effect-灰猩猩(Greyscalegorilla)C4D视频教程
This tutorial was really fun to make. It all started when Ramiro posted a link to this animation over on the Facebook Page asking how to make the polygon effect starting around 15 seconds in. Well, that got me asking around the office how everyone would do it. As we huddled around my computer, we got playing in Cinema 4D and trying different techniques. “Animate the Noise In The Displacer” Chris said. Jack added, “Try Adding An Atom Array”. and within a few minutes, and after adding some quick sound design in After Effects, I had this animation and a tutorial idea for the blog. It’s little fun things like this that made Cinema 4D (And working in a real office) so fun for me. The ability to try out different ideas and get a fun result, fast. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the tutorial. We sure had fun making it.
Polygon Reduction Deformer Effect-灰猩猩(Greyscalegorilla)C4D视频教程 - C4D之家 - Snip20120929_41.png
GSG C4D教程下载地址:Polygon Reduction Deformer Effect

教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: 灰猩猩 Greyscalegorilla
教程来源: http://c4d.cn/
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