cmiVFX - C4D Digital Environment,Cinema 4D数字化环境教程 

2015-07-19 22:27 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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cmiVFX - C4D Digital Environment,Cinema 4D数字化环境教程
cmiVFX - C4D Digital Environment,Cinema 4D数字化环境教程 - C4D之家 - 6357198154635874805386835.jpg
cmiVFX has teamed up yet again with popular new mentor, Guillem Ramisa de Soto, this time providing nearly 25GB (**now reduced to 4GB for convenience**) of project material and 7 HOURS of inspiring, beautifully-crafted video guidance that demonstrates a wide range of advanced concepts so you can achieve outstanding quality in your digital environments. Guillem will show you how to visualize incredible images, manufacture them, and complete your vision using NukeX and Cinema 4D. This 7-hour video is split into 3 main chapters. The first chapter covers workflow and designing from almost every aspect, using Nuke to extract as much data as possible from the source material provided. The second chapter shows you how to make your layout and build the assets for the shot using Cinema 4D along with some advanced shading and asset look-development methodologies, and the last chapter focuses mainly on compositing the renders, developing useful techniques that will help on the larger comp, matching the source plate, and stylizing the look of the final render to match the concept art. This video will help you truly master the art of designing, building, compositing, and finalizing digital environments. Enjoy!
译文:cmiVFX联手再次流行的新导师,Guillem ramisa de Soto,这次几乎提供25GB(**现在减少到4GB的方便* *)工程材料和7小时的启发,制作精美的视频指导,展示了一系列先进的概念,所以你可以在你的数字环境中实现卓越的品质。法式将告诉你如何想象令人难以置信的图像,制作它们,并完成您的视觉使用NUKEX和4D影院。这7小时的视频分为3个主要章节。第*章从工作流和几乎每一个方面的设计,使用核武器来提取尽可能多的数据从提供的素材。第二章告诉你如何使你的布局和使用4D影院以及一些先进的阴影和资产看起来开发方法建立资产的镜头,和zui*后一章主要集中在合成渲染,发展有用的技术,将在大公司的帮助,匹配源板,和zui*终的程式看看渲染匹配的概念艺术。这个视频将帮助你真正掌握设计,艺术楼,合成,zui*后的数字环境。享受!
教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: cmiVFX
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