
2015-07-03 09:36 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

视频教程 /[动画/绑定]
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C4D运用碰撞变形器制作《打地鼠》二维动画教程 Using the Cinema 4D Collision Deformer in a 2D Workflow C4D运用碰撞变形器制作《打地鼠》二维动画教程 - C4D之家 - 525153256_1280.jpg

In this tutorial I’m going to explore a few of the many uses of the Cinema 4D Collision Deformer and show you how you can achieve a ‘squash & stretch’ animation without adding any keyframes!  The Collision Deformer is super powerful and allows you to emulate types of animations that would traditionally be created by using Softbody Dynamics.  The Collision Deformer allows you to define an object that will collide into and deform, smashing or pushing the geometry of the object that has the collision deformer applied to it.  I’ll show you how to use the collision deformer along with others to create some fun animations that lends itself to a lot of experimentation!   I’ll even dive into some brief Cappuccino to record my movement in the viewport as keyframes! All that and much more in this jam packed tutorial!

C4D运用碰撞变形器制作《打地鼠》二维动画教程 - C4D之家 - collision_deformer.gif
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教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: cinema4d
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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