Modynamics VS New Dynamics-灰猩猩(Greyscalegorilla)C4D视频教程 

2012-09-27 02:32 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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Modynamics VS New Dynamics-灰猩猩(Greyscalegorilla)C4D视频教程

Modynamics VS New Dynamics-灰猩猩(Greyscalegorilla)C4D视频教程 - C4D之家 - Snip20120927_9.png

I use dynamics all the time and include a lot of it in my tutorials (it’s so fun!). But, there seems to be some confusion in the comments when it comes to adding the correct tags. And rightly so. There are two current systems of dynamics for Cinema 4D and they work a bit different from each other.

Modynamics is what originally came with Cinema 4D r11.5 and works only by placing dynamics tags on mograph objects. Tutorials like my Cherry 7up and Camera Mapping tutorials are made with Modynamics.

New Dynamics
New to Cinema 4D 12 and 13 (In the Studio Edition only) is a set of new dynamic tags that really has no new name. So, for now, let’s call them “New Dynamics”. New Dynamics includes a new rigid body dynamics tag allow you to make any object dynamic without the need for a mograph object. The New Dynamics also give you things like springs, connecters, and soft body dynamics.

Similar but Different
So, here is where it can be confusing. Even when doing basic, rigid body dynamics, these two systems work slightly different even though the tags look identical. Also, depending on what edition of Cinema 4D you have, you may have a hard time following along in tutorials. Remember, you only have the New Dynamics if you are using the Studio Edition of C4D r12 or r13. Also, keep in mind that all tutorials on GSG from September 2010 and forward is made with the New Dynamics. Hopefully this video will help clear up a few things if you find yourself following along with a tutorial and things are working differently then expected.
Modynamics Mod动力学
Modynamics是跟CINEMA4D R11.5整合在一起,只能把动力学标签放到mograph对象上才起作用。我的教程,如Cherry 7up,还有Camera Mapping是使用的Modynamics。
New Dynamics 新动力学
新的Cinema 4D的12和13(仅在Studio版)是一套新动力学标签,确实没有新的名字。所以,现在,我们姑且称之为“新动力学”。新动力学包括一个新的刚体动力学标签,让你做出任何对象的动力学,而不需要一个mograph对象。新版本的动力学添加了弹簧、连接器、还有柔体动力学等功能。
所以,在这里可能会混淆。即使做基础,刚体动力学,这两个系统的工作方式略有不同,即使标签看起来相同。此外,由于使用C4D不同的版本,跟随教程学习,可能会有些困难。请记住,如果您使用的是C4D R12或R13 Studio版本对应的是New Dynamics。另外,请记住,从2010年9月开始之后的所有GSG的教程都使用的New Dynamics。当你跟随教程学习,发现制作效果与你预期的效果不同时,希望这个视频,将对你有所帮助。
GSG C4D教程下载地址:Modynamics VS New Dynamics

教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: 灰猩猩 Greyscalegorilla
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