教程名字: CGcircuit Creating a Broadcast Intro in C4D
更新时间: 5,14,2015
官网: http://www.cgcircuit.com/
语言: 英语(无中文字幕)
教程级别: 中级
使用软件: After Effects, Cinema 4D R16
持续时间: 2小时26分
项目文件: 包括
教程知识点: AE后期合成, C4D建模,纹理贴图,摄像机动画,渲染
C4D教程:电视栏目包装片头实用进阶案例教程CGcircuit Creating a Broadcast Intro in C4D
在这个中级教程中,我们将创建一个电视栏目包装片头从开始到结束的动画。我们将涵盖所有方面的Cinema4D&After effects工作流程。我们将首先建模组成场景,我们将进入材质和照明,准备zui*后的渲染和渲染不同的场景通道,将用于AEzui*后动画效果的后期合成。
我们将讨论不同的主题像坚硬的表面建模,线性工作流程在C4D和After effects,多通道合成和C4D的物理渲染器等科目。
In this intermediate level tutorial we will create a motion graphics animation from start to finish. We will be covering all the aspects of the Cinema4D to After effects workflow. We will start by modeling all the objects that make up scene, we will then go into the materials and lighting, preparing the scene for final render and rendering the different passes that will be used to composite the final animation in After Effects.
章节 1: Modeling The Assets 1:Introduction介绍
2:Shortcuts and Customization自定义快捷键
3:Installing the Solo Plugin独奏插件安装
4:Hard Surface and Organic Modeling硬面建模
5:Motext shells, caps, and_roundings
6:Start Modeling with Motext
7:Beveling and extruding
8:Enhancing the edges of the geometry
9:Modeling the connector
10:Modeling the pieces inside the text
11:Creating the outline of the objects
12:Modeling the hook
13:Cloning the hooks around the model
14:Using layers to organize the scene
章节 2: Assigning Materials to the scene C4D材质教程
1:Assigning materials with bump channels to the scene
章节 3: Animating our Shot
1:Creating and animating the camera
2:Camera Depth Pass Settings 摄像机景深通道设置
3:Creating lights for After Effects
章节 4: Rendering the Animation
1:Setting up the multipass options
2:Overview of linear workflow
3:Assinging object buffers
4:Rendering the animation with multipass
章节 5: Compositing the final animation in After Effects
1:Importing project in After Effects
2:Color Correction
3:Motion Blur and Depth of Field 运动模糊和景深
4:Using lights to track optical flares
5:Rendering Final Project from After Effects
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