C4D室外建筑Vray渲染教程 ENVY – VRay Exteriors for Cinema 4D From the Ground Up 

2015-01-08 13:27 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

视频教程 /[v-ray]
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C4D室外建筑vray渲染教程 ENVY – VRay Exteriors for Cinema 4D From the Ground Up
C4D室外建筑Vray渲染教程 ENVY – VRay Exteriors for Cinema 4D From the Ground Up - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2015-01-08 13.23.50.jpg C4D室外建筑Vray渲染教程 ENVY – VRay Exteriors for Cinema 4D From the Ground Up - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2015-01-08 13.23.55.jpg

FLV VIDEO: 1160 X 840 | MP3: 128KBPS | 3.7GB

In this V-Ray for C4D course you will be guided through the process of creating a highly realistic exterior scene. The course covers a myriad of subjects including the explanation of V-Ray's GI, the flexibility of Colour Mapping, extensive coverage of materials and foliage as well as explanations of antialiasing and using the Irradiance Map in combination with the Light Cache. Scene creation relies wholly on build-in C4D assets and also explores a number of freely available plug-ins and resources that can help in taking your scenes to the next level.

The course culminates in adjusting our scene from daylight to evening and includes post processing techniques in both Adobe Photoshop and Magic Bullet Looks. Camera animation completes the course.
LESSON OUTLINE: 14 chapters | DURATION: 6 hours

Scene overview & basic GI
Colour mapping techniques
V-Ray advanced material
Building materials
Adding grass
Bringing in additional elements
Utilizing Ivygrower

Antialiasing & the DMC Sampler
Combining the irradiance map and
the light cache
Output & colour adjustments
Turning day into night
Animating our camera

教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 优质教程
教程作者: ENVY
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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