C4D Vray汽车渲染教程 Envy – Automotive Visualization with VRay for C4D 

2015-01-07 12:35 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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利用C4D vray渲染真实汽车商业产品级别案例的所有知识点,包括车漆材质,轮胎,金属车轴,摄像机动画等整套流程,摄影棚HDRI灯光等,强烈推荐
C4D Vray汽车渲染教程 Envy – Automotive Visualization with VRay for C4D - C4D之家 - QQ截图20150107123514.png
In this course we will cover everything you need to know to create realistic and compelling automotive renders using the power of VRay inside Cinema 4D. We will cover in-depth such topics as VRay’s carpaint shader, how to create a realistic tyre and alloy, camera angles, focal length and framing, before moving on to create a number of lighting setups such as a dark studio environment, a white studio and we will finish with a comprehensive overview of HDRI lighting coupled with backplate compositing. These techniques will provide you with the capability to produce convincing automotive 3D imagery.
All necessary scene files are included in the training which will allow for a greater understanding of the process and implementation of the techniques covered.
  • Intro
  • Exploring The Carpaint Shader
  • Creating A Realistic Tyre And Alloy
  • The White Studio
  • The Black Studio
  • HDRI & Backplate Compositing

参与人数 1共享分 +20 理由
c4d.cn + 20 继续努力!

教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Envy
教程来源: http://www.gfxcamp.com/
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