C4D Krakatoa教程 – NAB Day 1 by ThinkboxSoftware 

2014-12-14 21:42 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D Krakatoa教程 – NAB Day 1 by ThinkboxSoftware
C4D Krakatoa教程 – NAB Day 1 by ThinkboxSoftware - C4D之家 - Krakatoa-C4D-NAB.jpg

一共三个视频教程,都是现场录制版,新发布了Krakatoa插件的C4D版本,第*部分简单介绍Krakatoa在C4D中体积光和渲染,第二部分讲解和 X-Particles等粒子生成器的结合使用,第三部分注重镜头投射,通道等方面的知识,学习Krakatoa入门的好教程。

The video is a recording of the live stream from the MAXON booth at NAB 2014 in Las Vegas.This is the first part of the 3 part introduction to Krakatoa for Cinema 4D. It deals mainly with the basics of volumetric lighting and rendering in Krakatoa

The video is a recording of the live stream from the MAXON booth at NAB 2014 in Las Vegas.This is the second part of the 3 part introduction to Krakatoa for CINEMA 4D. It deals mostly with rendering of various particle sources including X-Particles, CINEMA 4D Emitters, particle saving,Partitioning, Repopulation, as well as per-particle shading control channels

The video is a recording of the live stream from the MAXON booth at NAB 2014 in Las Vegas.This is the third part of the 3 part introduction to Krakatoa for CINEMA 4D. It deals mostly with sticky camera mapping, including the generating of BirthPosition channels from live and external particle sources。


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: NAB
教程来源: http://www.gfxcamp.com
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