C4D基础建模教程(两集)Polygon modelling 

2014-11-28 01:17 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

视频教程 /[建模/雕刻]
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C4D基础建模教程(两集)Part 1 Splines - 1 hour 47 minutes/Part 2 Polygon modelling - 1 hour 38 minutes
C4D基础建模教程(两集)Polygon modelling - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2014-11-27 21.41.22.jpg

Cinema 4D Modelling - Start here (Part 1 Splines)
New to modelling? These are the videos you should watch before watching any other modelling tutorials.
Topics covered:
(Part 1 - This video)
Spline modelling with spline primitives, using the Extrude object and Sweep object. Using a Splinemask object and nested Splinemask objects
Spline modelling by manually drawing splines. All the different spline types covered
Why spline modelled objects may initially be a good idea to start with but not so hot when you want to add detail later on
Off topic - why an object with an Align to spline expression tag slows down going around bends in the spline and how to fix it
Spline modelling - using the Lathe object. A chess pawn is modelled using a Bezier spline (same as the Pawn modelling tutorial we have now except updated)
Spline modelling - using a Loft object

Boolean modelling - what it's good for. Common problems. Example and why Boolean modelling is often a bad technique to use
Customizing your layout to suit modelling
Polygon modelling - Hard surface modelling. A mechanical part is modelled
Polygon modelling - Subdivision Surface modelling. The same mechanical part is modelled
Polygon modelling - Point to point modelling. Create polygon tool, Edge Extrudes etc
Polygon modelling - Organic modelling with Subdivision Surfaces. No a step by step tutorial but an extended walk through of a Sea Horse character and how it was modelled
Because of the length of the videos I have split the videos into 2 parts:
Part 1 Splines - 1 hour 47 minutes
Part 2 Polygon modelling - 1 hour 38 minutes
Scene files from the polygon modelling section can be downloaded at c4dcafe.com in the tutorial section
I've recorded these a bit more casual than normal. I make a few mistakes, forget how something works and say the occasional wrong thing. I don't think that this distracts from the tutorials as you'll see me have to figure things out before carrying on. Recorded using Release 15. About 90% of what I cover can be applied to earlier versions of C4D.


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Nigel Doyle
教程来源: WWW.C4D.CN
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