C4D多种选择插件 Python : Sélections Supplétives(英文版+汉化版)
v 1.8 : (29 septembre 2013)
- Ajout de la sélection par miroir.
v 1.7 :
- Ajout de la sélection aléatoire.
- Les boîtes de dialogues sont désormais asynchrones.
- Plus d'options pour la sélection par orientation.
- Traduction anglaise par Lubo Bezek.
- Traduction tchèque par Pavel Zoch.
- Correction de divers bogues.
v 1.5 :
- La sélection alternative affecte désormais les points.
- Ajout de la sélection des éléments adjacents.
- Ajout de la sélection de position.
- Ajout de la description des outils.
Lot de sélections en tout genre.
Copiez le dossier « vonc_selsup » dans le dossier « plugins » du répertoire de Cinéma 4D.
Sélectionner les polygones de même orientation
Sélectionne les polygones ayant la même orientation que le polygone sélectionné.
Sélectionner les éléments alternativement
Sélectionne les polygones ou les points à intervalle régulier à partir de la sélection active.
Sélectionner un polygone sur 2, 1 sur 3, 2 sur 4...
Sélectionner les polygones de même taille
Sélectionne tous les polygones ayant plus ou moins le même périmètre que le polygone sélectionné.
Sélectionner les triangles
Sélectionne tous les triangles de l'objet actif.
Sélectionner les quadrangles
Sélectionne tous les quadrangles de l'objet actif.
Sélectionner les n-gones
Sélectionne tous les n-gones de l'objet actif.
Sélectionner jusqu'à l'indice
Sélectionne tous les polygones ou tous les points d'indice inférieur au polygone/point sélectionné d'un objet ou d'une cerce (spline).
Sélectionner les contours
Sélectionne tous les contours de l'objet actif.
Sélectionner les éléments adjacents
Sélectionne les polygones ou les points adjacents à la sélection active.
Sélectionner jusqu'à la position
Sélectionne les points ou les polygones ayant une position supérieure ou inférieure à un point donné.
Sélection aléatoire
Sélectionne les points ou les polygones de façon aléatoire. Un facteur chance permet de sélectionner plus ou moins d'éléments. Il est également possible de sélectionner un nombre précis d'éléments.
Sélection par miroir
Sélectionne les points, arêtes ou polygones opposés par rapport à l'axe de l'objet.
Fichier PYP :
- import os
- import c4d
- import math
- import random
- from c4d import plugins, bitmaps, gui, documents, Vector
- from c4d.utils import GetAngle, Neighbor, VectorEqual, SendModelingCommand
- from c4d.plugins import GeLoadString as txt
- from math import isnan
- doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()
- MODULE_ID = 1028615
- SEPARATEUR_ID = 1028614
- ID_SELTRI = 1028616
- ID_SELQUAD = 1028617
- ID_SELNGON = 1028618
- ID_SELDIR = 1028625
- ID_SELNSN = 1028626
- ID_SELCON = 1028627
- ID_SELIND = 1028628
- ID_SELTAIL = 1028644
- ID_SELADJ = 1029578
- ID_SELPOS = 1029579
- ID_SELPIF = 1030552
- ID_SELMIR = 1031153
- SS_SS_VAL = 101
- SS_SS_FER = 102
- SS_SELDIR_NOM = 1001
- SS_SELDIR_TOL = 1002
- SS_SELDIR_LIM = 1003
- SS_SELDIR_AID = 1004
- SS_SELDIR_NOR = 1005
- SS_SELNSN_NOM = 1101
- SS_SELNSN_SEL = 1102
- SS_SELNSN_SUR = 1103
- SS_SELNSN_DEC = 1104
- SS_SELNSN_AID = 1105
- SS_SELTRI_NOM = 1301
- SS_SELTRI_AID = 1302
- SS_SELCON_NOM = 1601
- SS_SELCON_AID = 1602
- SS_SELIND_NOM = 1701
- SS_SELIND_AID = 1702
- SS_SELADJ_NOM = 1801
- SS_SELADJ_AID = 1802
- SS_SELPOS_NOM = 1901
- SS_SELPOS_TOL = 1902
- SS_SELPOS_AID = 1903
- SS_SELPIF_NOM = 2001
- SS_SELPIF_AID = 2002
- SS_SELPIF_SRC = 2003
- SS_SELPIF_QTE = 2004
- SS_SELPIF_CHC = 2005
- SS_SELMIR_NOM = 2101
- SS_SELMIR_AID = 2102
- SS_SELMIR_TOL = 2103
- SS_SELMIR_AJS = 2104
- class Seldir_Dialogue(gui.GeDialog) :
- tolerance = 0.17453
- limite = False
- norbool = False
- normale = Vector()
- def CreateLayout(self) :
- self.GroupBegin(100, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 1, 1)
- self.GroupBorderSpace(5, 5, 5, 5)
- self.GroupBegin(101, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 2, 1)
- self.AddStaticText(20, c4d.BFH_FIT, 0, 0, txt(SS_SELDIR_TOL))
- self.AddEditSlider(11, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupBegin(102, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 1, 1)
- self.AddCheckbox(12, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 0, 0, txt(SS_SELDIR_LIM))
- self.AddCheckbox(13, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 0, 0, txt(SS_SELDIR_NOR))
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupBegin(104, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 3, 1)
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(130, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(131, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(132, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupBegin(103, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 2, 1)
- self.AddButton(1, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_VAL))
- self.AddButton(2, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_FER))
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupEnd()
- return True
- def InitValues(self) :
- self.SetTitle(txt(SS_SELDIR_NOM))
- self.SetDegree(11, self.tolerance, 0, 360)
- self.SetReal(130, 0.0, step=1.0)
- self.SetReal(131, 0.0, step=1.0)
- self.SetReal(132, 0.0, step=1.0)
- self.Enable(130, False)
- self.Enable(131, False)
- self.Enable(132, False)
- return True
- def Command(self, id, msg) :
- if id == 13 :
- nor = self.GetBool(13)
- self.Enable(130, nor)
- self.Enable(131, nor)
- self.Enable(132, nor)
- if id == c4d.DLG_OK :
- self.tolerance = self.GetReal(11)
- self.limite = self.GetBool(12)
- self.norbool = self.GetBool(13)
- self.normale = self.GetVector(130, 131, 132)
- doc = documents.GetActiveDocument()
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_dir(doc, obj)
- elif id == c4d.DLG_CANCEL :
- self.Close()
- return True
- def recup_norm(self, index, obj) :
- poly = obj.GetPolygon(index)
- pA = obj.GetPoint(poly.a)
- pB = obj.GetPoint(poly.b)
- pC = obj.GetPoint(poly.c)
- pD = obj.GetPoint(poly.d)
- normale = (pA - pC).Cross(pB - pD)
- normale.Normalize()
- return normale
- def verif(self, va, vb, tol) :
- angle = GetAngle(va, vb)
- if isnan(angle) :
- if VectorEqual(va, -vb) : return False
- return True
- if tol >= angle : return True
- else : return False
- def sel_dir(self, doc, obj) :
- if not obj : return
- if obj.GetType() != c4d.Opolygon : return
- if doc.GetMode() != c4d.Mpolygons : return
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- nbsel = bs.GetCount()
- if nbsel == 0 and not self.norbool : return
- # dial = Seldir_Dialogue()
- # dial.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_MODAL)
- # if dial.annuler : return
- nbpol = obj.GetPolygonCount()
- normale_ref = Vector(0, 0, 0)
- doc.StartUndo()
- premsel = 0
- for index, selec in enumerate(bs.GetAll(nbpol)) :
- if not selec: continue
- normale = self.recup_norm(index, obj)
- normale_ref += normale
- premsel = index
- if self.norbool : normale_ref = self.normale
- normale_ref.Normalize()
- tolerance = self.tolerance
- limite = self.limite
- for i in xrange(nbpol) :
- normale = self.recup_norm(i, obj)
- if self.verif(normale_ref, normale, tolerance) :
- bs.Select(i)
- if limite and nbsel :
- params = c4d.BaseContainer()
- # for i in xrange(2160) :
- # params[i] = 167
- params[2157] = premsel #167
- SendModelingCommand(command=commande, list=[obj], mode=mode, bc=params, doc=doc, flags=c4d.MODELINGCOMMANDFLAGS_0)
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- c4d.CallCommand(12187) # Polygones
- class Seldir(plugins.CommandData) :
- dialog = None
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Seldir_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Open(dlgtype=c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, pluginid=ID_SELDIR, defaulth=100, defaultw=70)
- def RestoreLayout(self, sec_ref):
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Seldir_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Restore(pluginid=ID_SELDIR, secret=sec_ref)
- class Selnsn_Dialogue(gui.GeDialog) :
- a = 1
- b = 2
- dec = 0
- def CreateLayout(self) :
- self.GroupBegin(10, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 2, 3)
- self.GroupBorderSpace(5, 5, 5, 5)
- self.AddStaticText(20, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 0, 0, txt(SS_SELNSN_SEL))
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(30, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.AddStaticText(21, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 0, 0, txt(SS_SELNSN_SUR))
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(31, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.AddStaticText(22, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 0, 0, txt(SS_SELNSN_DEC))
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(32, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.AddButton(1, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_VAL))
- self.AddButton(2, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_FER))
- self.GroupEnd()
- return True
- def InitValues(self) :
- self.SetTitle(txt(SS_SELNSN_NOM))
- self.SetLong(30, 1, 1)
- self.SetLong(31, 2, 1)
- return True
- def Command(self, id, msg) :
- if id == 1 :
- self.a = self.GetLong(30)
- self.b = self.GetLong(31)
- self.dec = self.GetLong(32)
- doc = documents.GetActiveDocument()
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_nsn(doc, obj)
- if id == 2 :
- self.Close()
- return True
- def verif(self, p, li, bs) :
- if not bs.IsSelected(p) : return False
- if li.IsSelected(p) : return False
- return True
- def point_voisin(self, pp, li, bs, n, obj) :
- if pp is None : return None
- polys = n.GetPointPolys(pp)
- points = []
- for poly in polys :
- poly = obj.GetPolygon(poly)
- points.extend([poly.a, poly.b, poly.c, poly.d])
- points = list(set(points))
- points_aretes = []
- for pt in points :
- arete = n.GetEdgePolys(pp, pt)
- if arete != (-1, -1) : points_aretes.append(pt)
- for pt in points_aretes :
- if not bs.IsSelected(pt) : continue
- if li.IsSelected(pt) : continue
- return pt
- return None
- def mono_voisin(self, pp, li, bs, n, obj) :
- if pp is None : return None
- pol = obj.GetPolygon(pp)
- nab = n.GetNeighbor(pol.a, pol.b, pp)
- if self.verif(nab, li, bs) : return nab
- nbc = n.GetNeighbor(pol.b, pol.c, pp)
- if self.verif(nbc, li, bs) : return nbc
- ncd = n.GetNeighbor(pol.c, pol.d, pp)
- if self.verif(ncd, li, bs) : return ncd
- nda = n.GetNeighbor(pol.d, pol.a, pp)
- if self.verif(nda, li, bs) : return nda
- return None
- def sel_nsn(self, doc, obj) :
- if not obj : return
- polygonal = obj.CheckType(c4d.Opolygon)
- cerce = obj.CheckType(c4d.Ospline)
- modePoints = doc.GetMode() == c4d.Mpoints
- modePolys = doc.GetMode() == c4d.Mpolygons
- if not polygonal and not cerce : return
- #if polygonal and not modePolys : return
- if cerce and not modePoints : return
- if not modePoints and not modePolys : return
- if modePolys :
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- nbp = obj.GetPolygonCount()
- else :
- bs = obj.GetPointS()
- nbp = obj.GetPointCount()
- bs_total = bs.GetCount()
- if bs_total and bs_total < 2 : return
- # dial = Selnsn_Dialogue()
- # dial.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_MODAL)
- # if dial.annuler : return
- a = self.a
- b = self.b
- if (self.b < self.a) : b = a
- dec = self.dec % b
- doc.StartUndo()
- #-----------
- if cerce :
- if not bs_total : bs.SelectAll(nbp-1)
- li = bs.GetClone()
- bs.DeselectAll()
- j = dec
- bs_sel = li.GetAll(nbp)
- for i, sel in enumerate(bs_sel) :
- if not sel :
- j = dec
- continue
- if (j%b) < a : bs.Select(i)
- j += 1
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- return
- #----------
- n = Neighbor()
- n.Init(obj)
- if not bs_total : bs.SelectAll(nbp)
- def traite(li, p, ordre) :
- if p != None :
- li.Select(p)
- ordre.append(p)
- def tour(pp) :
- ordre1 = []
- voisin = self.mono_voisin
- if modePoints : voisin = self.point_voisin
- pa = voisin(pp, li, bs, n, obj)
- traite(li, pp, ordre1)
- traite(li, pa, ordre1)
- po = voisin(pa, li, bs, n, obj)
- while (po != None) :
- traite(li, po, ordre1)
- po = voisin(po, li, bs, n, obj)
- ordre2 = []
- pb = voisin(pp, li, bs, n, obj)
- if pb != None :
- traite(li, pb, ordre2)
- po = voisin(pb, li, bs, n, obj)
- else : po = None
- while (po != None) :
- traite(li, po, ordre2)
- po = voisin(po, li, bs, n, obj)
- ordre1.reverse()
- ordre1.extend(ordre2)
- return ordre1
- ordre = []
- li = bs.GetClone()
- li.DeselectAll()
- bs_sel = bs.GetAll(nbp)
- for i, sel in enumerate(bs_sel) :
- if not sel : continue
- if li.IsSelected(i) : continue
- ordre.extend(tour(i))
- j = 0
- jmax = len(ordre)
- bs.DeselectAll()
- while (j < jmax) :
- for k in xrange(a) :
- s = j + k + dec
- if s >= jmax : break
- bs.Select(ordre[s])
- j += b
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- class Selnsn(plugins.CommandData) :
- dialog = None
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Selnsn_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Open(dlgtype=c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, pluginid=ID_SELNSN, defaulth=100, defaultw=100)
- def RestoreLayout(self, sec_ref):
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Selnsn_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Restore(pluginid=ID_SELNSN, secret=sec_ref)
- class Seltri(plugins.CommandData) :
- def sel_tri(self, doc, obj) :
- if not obj : return
- if obj.GetType() != c4d.Opolygon : return
- ng = obj.GetNgonEdgesCompact()
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- n = -1
- doc.StartUndo()
- for p in ng :
- n += 1
- if p != 0: continue
- pol = obj.GetPolygon(n)
- if pol.c == pol.d : bs.Select(n)
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- c4d.CallCommand(12187) # Polygones
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_tri(doc, obj)
- return True
- class Selquad(plugins.CommandData) :
- def sel_quad(self, doc, obj):
- if not obj: return
- if obj.GetType() != c4d.Opolygon: return
- ng = obj.GetNgonEdgesCompact()
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- n = -1
- doc.StartUndo()
- for p in ng:
- n += 1
- if p != 0: continue
- pol = obj.GetPolygon(n)
- if pol.c != pol.d : bs.Select(n)
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- c4d.CallCommand(12187) # Polygones
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_quad(doc, obj)
- return True
- class Selngon(plugins.CommandData) :
- def sel_ngon(self, doc, obj) :
- if not obj: return
- if obj.GetType() != c4d.Opolygon: return
- ng = obj.GetNgonEdgesCompact()
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- n = 0
- doc.StartUndo()
- for p in ng:
- if p != 0: bs.Select(n)
- n += 1
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- c4d.CallCommand(12187) # Polygones
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_ngon(doc, obj)
- return True
- class Selcon(plugins.CommandData) :
- def sel_con(self, doc, obj):
- if not obj: return
- if obj.GetType() != c4d.Opolygon: return
- nb_pol = obj.GetPolygonCount()
- bs = c4d.BaseSelect()
- n = Neighbor()
- n.Init(obj)
- for i in xrange(nb_pol):
- pol = obj.GetPolygon(i)
- pa = pol.a
- pb = pol.b
- pc = pol.c
- pd = pol.d
- nab = n.GetNeighbor(pa, pb, i)
- nbc = n.GetNeighbor(pb, pc, i)
- ncd = n.GetNeighbor(pc, pd, i)
- nda = n.GetNeighbor(pd, pa, i)
- cotes = n.GetPolyInfo(i)["edge"]
- if nab == -1:
- bs.Select(cotes[0])
- if nbc == -1:
- bs.Select(cotes[1])
- if ncd == -1:
- if pc != pd: bs.Select(cotes[2])
- if nda == -1:
- bs.Select(cotes[3])
- doc.StartUndo()
- obj.SetSelectedEdges(n, bs, 0)
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- c4d.CallCommand(16351) # Arêtes
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_con(doc, obj)
- return True
- class Selind(plugins.CommandData) :
- def sel_ind(self, doc, obj):
- if not obj : return
- if obj.GetType() != c4d.Opolygon and obj.GetType() != c4d.Ospline : return
- if c4d.IsCommandChecked(12187) and obj.GetType() == c4d.Opolygon : # Polygones
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- nbp = obj.GetPolygonCount()
- else :
- bs = obj.GetPointS()
- nbp = obj.GetPointCount()
- nbsel = bs.GetCount()
- if nbsel == 0 : return
- doc.StartUndo()
- for i, sel in enumerate(bs.GetAll(nbp)) :
- if not sel :
- bs.Select(i)
- continue
- break
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_ind(doc, obj)
- return True
- class Seltail_Dialogue(gui.GeDialog) :
- tol = 0
- inf = False
- sup = False
- def CreateLayout(self) :
- self.GroupBegin(10, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 1, 4)
- self.GroupBorderSpace(5, 5, 5, 5)
- self.GroupBegin(15, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 2, 1)
- self.AddStaticText(16, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, name = txt(SS_SELTAIL_TOL))
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(11, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.AddCheckbox(13, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 250, inith = 10, name = txt(SS_SELTAIL_INF))
- self.AddCheckbox(14, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 250, inith = 10, name = txt(SS_SELTAIL_SUP))
- self.GroupBegin(16, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 2, 1)
- self.AddButton(1, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_VAL))
- self.AddButton(2, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_FER))
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupEnd()
- return True
- def InitValues(self) :
- self.SetTitle(txt(SS_SELTAIL_NOM))
- self.SetPercent(11, 0.005, 0)
- return True
- def Command(self, id, msg) :
- if id == 1 :
- self.tol = self.GetReal(11)
- self.inf = self.GetBool(13)
- self.sup = self.GetBool(14)
- doc = documents.GetActiveDocument()
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_tail(doc, obj)
- if id == 2 :
- self.Close()
- return True
- def perim(self, i, obj) :
- poly = obj.GetPolygon(i)
- pA = obj.GetPoint(poly.a)
- pB = obj.GetPoint(poly.b)
- pC = obj.GetPoint(poly.c)
- pD = obj.GetPoint(poly.d)
- per = (pA - pB).GetLengthSquared() + (pB - pC).GetLengthSquared() + (pC - pD).GetLengthSquared() + (pD - pA).GetLengthSquared()
- return per
- def verif(self, ta, tb, tol, inf, sup) :
- tatol = ta*tol
- if inf :
- if tb <= (ta + tatol) :
- return True
- if sup :
- if tb >= (ta - tatol) :
- return True
- if tb <= (ta + tatol) :
- if tb >= (ta - tatol) :
- return True
- return False
- def sel_tail(self, doc, obj):
- if not obj : return
- if obj.GetType() != c4d.Opolygon : return
- if doc.GetMode() != c4d.Mpolygons : return
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- nbsel = bs.GetCount()
- if nbsel == 0 : return
- # dial = Seltail_Dialogue()
- # dial.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_MODAL)
- # if dial.annuler : return
- nbpol = obj.GetPolygonCount()
- taille_ref = 0
- doc.StartUndo()
- for index, selec in enumerate(bs.GetAll(nbpol)) :
- if not selec: continue
- taille = self.perim(index, obj)
- taille_ref += taille
- for i in xrange(nbpol) :
- taille = self.perim(i, obj)
- if self.verif(taille_ref, taille, self.tol, self.inf, self.sup) :
- bs.Select(i)
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- c4d.CallCommand(12187) # Polygones
- class Seltail(plugins.CommandData) :
- dialog = None
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Seltail_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Open(dlgtype=c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, pluginid=ID_SELTAIL, defaulth=100, defaultw=70)
- def RestoreLayout(self, sec_ref):
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Seltail_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Restore(pluginid=ID_SELTAIL, secret=sec_ref)
- class Seladj(plugins.CommandData) :
- def sel_adj(self, doc, obj):
- if not obj : return
- modePoints = doc.GetMode() == c4d.Mpoints
- modePolys = doc.GetMode() == c4d.Mpolygons
- polygonal = obj.CheckType(c4d.Opolygon)
- cerce = obj.CheckType(c4d.Ospline)
- if not polygonal and not cerce : return
- if not modePoints and not modePolys : return
- if cerce and modePolys : return
- if polygonal :
- nb_pol = obj.GetPolygonCount()
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- n = Neighbor()
- n.Init(obj)
- nb_pts = obj.GetPointCount()
- bs_p = obj.GetPointS()
- doc.StartUndo()
- if modePolys :
- for i, sel in enumerate(bs.GetAll(nb_pol)):
- if not sel: continue
- pol = obj.GetPolygon(i)
- cotes = []
- cotes.extend(n.GetPointPolys(pol.a))
- cotes.extend(n.GetPointPolys(pol.b))
- cotes.extend(n.GetPointPolys(pol.c))
- cotes.extend(n.GetPointPolys(pol.d))
- for p in cotes :
- bs.Select(p)
- else :
- if polygonal :
- for i, sel in enumerate(bs_p.GetAll(nb_pts)):
- if not sel : continue
- polys = n.GetPointPolys(i)
- for poly in polys :
- p = obj.GetPolygon(poly)
- bs_p.Select(p.a)
- bs_p.Select(p.b)
- bs_p.Select(p.c)
- bs_p.Select(p.d)
- else :
- for i, sel in enumerate(bs_p.GetAll(nb_pts)):
- if not sel : continue
- iP = i + 1
- iM = i - 1
- if iP < nb_pts : bs_p.Select(iP)
- if iM >= 0 : bs_p.Select(iM)
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_adj(doc, obj)
- return True
- class Selpos_Dialogue(gui.GeDialog) :
- tol = 0.001
- pos = Vector()
- Xcon = 0
- Ycon = 0
- Zcon = 0
- def CreateLayout(self) :
- self.GroupBegin(10, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 1, 3)
- self.GroupBorderSpace(5, 5, 5, 5)
- self.GroupBegin(12, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 5, 3)
- self.AddStaticText(20, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, name = "X")
- self.AddCheckbox(21, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 10, name = "<")
- self.AddCheckbox(22, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 10, name = ">")
- self.AddCheckbox(23, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 10, name = "=")
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(24, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 140)
- self.AddStaticText(30, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, name = "Y")
- self.AddCheckbox(31, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 10, name = "<")
- self.AddCheckbox(32, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 10, name = ">")
- self.AddCheckbox(33, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 10, name = "=")
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(34, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 140)
- self.AddStaticText(40, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, name = "Z")
- self.AddCheckbox(41, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 10, name = "<")
- self.AddCheckbox(42, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 10, name = ">")
- self.AddCheckbox(43, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 10, name = "=")
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(44, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 140)
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupBegin(14, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 2, 1)
- self.AddStaticText(13, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, name = txt(SS_SELPOS_TOL))
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(11, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.AddButton(1, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_VAL))
- self.AddButton(2, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_FER))
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupEnd()
- return True
- def InitValues(self) :
- doc = documents.GetActiveDocument()
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.pos = self.sel_pos(doc, obj, True)
- self.SetTitle(txt(SS_SELPOS_NOM))
- self.SetMeter(11, self.tol, 0)
- if self.pos is None : return True
- self.SetMeter(24, self.pos.x)
- self.SetMeter(34, self.pos.y)
- self.SetMeter(44, self.pos.z)
- return True
- def conditionneur(self, n) :
- inf = self.GetBool(n+1)
- sup = self.GetBool(n+2)
- ega = self.GetBool(n+3)
- # 0 : aucun, 1 : =, 2 : <, 3 : <=, 4 : >, 5 : >=
- return (inf*2 + sup*4 + ega)
- def Command(self, id, msg) :
- if id == 21 and self.GetBool(21) : self.SetBool(22, False)
- if id == 22 and self.GetBool(22) : self.SetBool(21, False)
- if id == 31 and self.GetBool(31) : self.SetBool(32, False)
- if id == 32 and self.GetBool(32) : self.SetBool(31, False)
- if id == 41 and self.GetBool(41) : self.SetBool(42, False)
- if id == 42 and self.GetBool(42) : self.SetBool(41, False)
- if id == 1 :
- self.tol = self.GetReal(11)
- if self.pos is None : return True
- self.pos.x = self.GetReal(24)
- self.pos.y = self.GetReal(34)
- self.pos.z = self.GetReal(44)
- self.Xcon = self.conditionneur(20)
- self.Ycon = self.conditionneur(30)
- self.Zcon = self.conditionneur(40)
- doc = documents.GetActiveDocument()
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_pos(doc, obj)
- if id == 2 :
- self.Close()
- return True
- def CoreMessage(self, id, msg) :
- if id == c4d.EVMSG_CHANGE :
- self.InitValues()
- return True
- def condition(self, pt, pos, con, tol) :
- if con == 1 :
- if pt < (pos+tol) and pt > (pos-tol) : return True
- elif con == 2 :
- if pt < (pos+tol) : return True
- elif con == 3 :
- if pt <= (pos+tol) : return True
- elif con == 4 :
- if pt > (pos-tol) : return True
- elif con == 5 :
- if pt >= (pos-tol) : return True
- return False
- def centrepoly(self, obj, i) :
- poly = obj.GetPolygon(i)
- centre = Vector()
- centre += obj.GetPoint(poly.a)
- centre += obj.GetPoint(poly.b)
- centre += obj.GetPoint(poly.c)
- if poly.c == poly.d :
- centre /= 3.0
- else :
- centre += obj.GetPoint(poly.d)
- centre *= 0.25
- return centre
- def sel_pos(self, doc, obj, init=False) :
- if not obj : return
- polygonal = obj.CheckType(c4d.Opolygon)
- cerce = obj.CheckType(c4d.Ospline)
- if not polygonal and not cerce : return
- mode = doc.GetMode()
- if mode != c4d.Mpoints and mode != c4d.Mpolygons : return
- if mode == c4d.Mpolygons and cerce : return
- if mode == c4d.Mpoints :
- points = True
- bs = obj.GetPointS()
- else :
- points = False
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- nbsel = bs.GetCount()
- if points : nbp = obj.GetPointCount()
- else : nbp = obj.GetPolygonCount()
- if not init :
- doc.StartUndo()
- centrepoly = self.centrepoly
- nb = 0
- p = Vector()
- pos_min = Vector()
- pos_max = Vector()
- for i, sel in enumerate(bs.GetAll(nbp)) :
- if not sel : continue
- if points : p = obj.GetPoint(i)
- else : p = centrepoly(obj, i)
- if p.x < pos_min.x or not nb : pos_min.x = p.x
- if p.y < pos_min.y or not nb : pos_min.y = p.y
- if p.z < pos_min.z or not nb : pos_min.z = p.z
- if p.x > pos_max.x or not nb : pos_max.x = p.x
- if p.y > pos_max.y or not nb : pos_max.y = p.y
- if p.z > pos_max.z or not nb : pos_max.z = p.z
- nb += 1
- if nb == nbp : break
- pos = (pos_min + pos_max) * 0.5
- if init : return pos
- # dial = Selpos_Dialogue(pos)
- # dial.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_MODAL)
- # if dial.annuler : return
- pos = self.pos
- tol = self.tol
- Xcon = self.Xcon
- Ycon = self.Ycon
- Zcon = self.Zcon
- condition = self.condition
- pt = Vector()
- for i in xrange(nbp) :
- if points :
- pt = obj.GetPoint(i)
- else :
- pt = centrepoly(obj, i)
- cond = 0
- res = 0
- if Xcon :
- cond += condition(pt.x, pos.x, Xcon, tol)
- res += 1
- if Ycon :
- cond += condition(pt.y, pos.y, Ycon, tol)
- res += 1
- if Zcon :
- cond += condition(pt.z, pos.z, Zcon, tol)
- res += 1
- if cond == res :
- bs.Select(i)
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- class Selpos(plugins.CommandData) :
- dialog = None
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Selpos_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Open(dlgtype=c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, pluginid=ID_SELPOS, defaulth=100, defaultw=70)
- def RestoreLayout(self, sec_ref):
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Selpos_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Restore(pluginid=ID_SELPOS, secret=sec_ref)
- class Selmir_Dialogue(gui.GeDialog) :
- tol = 0.001
- Xcon = True
- Ycon = 0
- Zcon = 0
- ajsel = True
- def CreateLayout(self) :
- self.GroupBegin(10, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 1, 3)
- self.GroupBorderSpace(5, 5, 5, 5)
- self.GroupBegin(12, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 3, 1)
- self.AddCheckbox(21, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 20, inith = 0, name = "-X")
- self.AddCheckbox(22, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 20, inith = 0, name = "-Y")
- self.AddCheckbox(23, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 20, inith = 0, name = "-Z")
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupBegin(15, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 1, 1)
- self.AddCheckbox(24, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 0, inith = 0, name = txt(SS_SELMIR_AJS))
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupBegin(14, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 2, 1)
- self.AddStaticText(13, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, name = txt(SS_SELMIR_TOL))
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(11, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.AddButton(1, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 80, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_VAL))
- self.AddButton(2, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 80, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_FER))
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupEnd()
- return True
- def InitValues(self) :
- doc = documents.GetActiveDocument()
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.SetTitle(txt(SS_SELMIR_NOM))
- self.SetMeter(11, self.tol, 0.0001, step = 0.01)
- self.SetBool(21, self.Xcon)
- self.SetBool(22, self.Ycon)
- self.SetBool(23, self.Zcon)
- self.SetBool(24, self.ajsel)
- return True
- def Command(self, id, msg) :
- if id == 11 : self.tol = self.GetReal(11)
- if id == 21 : self.Xcon = self.GetBool(21)
- if id == 22 : self.Ycon = self.GetBool(22)
- if id == 23 : self.Zcon = self.GetBool(23)
- if id == 24 : self.ajsel = self.GetBool(24)
- if id == 1 :
- self.tol = self.GetReal(11)
- self.Xcon = self.GetBool(21)
- self.Ycon = self.GetBool(22)
- self.Zcon = self.GetBool(23)
- doc = documents.GetActiveDocument()
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_mir(doc, obj)
- if id == 2 :
- self.Close()
- return True
- def _texte(self, vec, tol) :
- vec *= tol
- vec.x = int(vec.x)
- vec.y = int(vec.y)
- vec.z = int(vec.z)
- p_txt = str(int(vec.x)) + "." + str(int(vec.y)) + "." + str(int(vec.z))
- return p_txt, vec
- def _centrepoly(self, obj, poly) :
- centre = Vector()
- centre += obj.GetPoint(poly.a)
- centre += obj.GetPoint(poly.b)
- centre += obj.GetPoint(poly.c)
- if poly.c == poly.d :
- centre /= 3.0
- else :
- centre += obj.GetPoint(poly.d)
- centre *= 0.25
- return centre
- def _centrearete(self, obj, poly, arete, polycen) :
- centre = Vector()
- aretes = [(poly.a, poly.b), (poly.b, poly.c), (poly.c, poly.d), (poly.d, poly.a)]
- for i in xrange(2) :
- centre += obj.GetPoint(aretes[arete][i])
- centre = centre * 0.5 + polycen
- return centre
- def sel_mir(self, doc, obj) :
- if not obj : return
- polygonal = obj.CheckType(c4d.Opolygon)
- cerce = obj.CheckType(c4d.Ospline)
- if not polygonal and not cerce : return
- mode = doc.GetMode()
- if cerce and mode != c4d.Mpoints : return
- if mode == c4d.Mpoints :
- bs = obj.GetPointS()
- tab = obj.GetAllPoints()
- nbp = obj.GetPointCount()
- elif mode == c4d.Medges :
- bs = obj.GetEdgeS()
- tab = obj.GetAllPolygons()
- nbp = obj.GetPolygonCount()
- elif mode == c4d.Mpolygons :
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- tab = obj.GetAllPolygons()
- nbp = obj.GetPolygonCount()
- else :
- return
- if not bs or not nbp : return
- nbsel = bs.GetCount()
- if not nbsel : return
- dic = {}
- liste = []
- tol = self.tol
- itol = 1.0 / tol
- Xcon = self.Xcon
- Ycon = self.Ycon
- Zcon = self.Zcon
- Mpolys = c4d.Mpolygons
- Maretes = c4d.Medges
- _centrepoly = self._centrepoly
- _centrearete = self._centrearete
- _texte = self._texte
- for i, p in enumerate(tab) :
- if mode == Maretes :
- polycen = _centrepoly(obj, p)
- for j in xrange(4) :
- pt = _centrearete(obj, p, j, polycen)
- p_txt, vec = _texte(pt, itol)
- if (p_txt in dic) : dic[p_txt].append(i*4 + j)
- else : dic[p_txt] = [i*4 + j]
- liste.append(vec)
- else :
- if mode == Mpolys : pt = _centrepoly(obj, p)
- else : pt = p
- p_txt, vec = _texte(pt, itol)
- if (p_txt in dic) : dic[p_txt].append(i)
- else : dic[p_txt] = [i]
- liste.append(vec)
- doc.StartUndo()
- if self.ajsel : bsAct = bs
- else :
- bsAct = bs.GetClone()
- bs.DeselectAll()
- if mode == Maretes : nbp = nbp * 4 + 4
- for i, sel in enumerate(bsAct.GetAll(nbp)) :
- if not sel : continue
- vec = liste[i]
- if Xcon : vec.x *= -1
- if Ycon : vec.y *= -1
- if Zcon : vec.z *= -1
- p_txt = str(int(vec.x)) + "." + str(int(vec.y)) + "." + str(int(vec.z))
- try :
- js = dic[p_txt]
- except KeyError :
- pass
- else :
- for j in js :
- bs.Select(j)
- if mode == Maretes :
- obj.ValidateEdgeSelection(bs)
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- class Selmir(plugins.CommandData) :
- dialog = None
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Selmir_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Open(dlgtype=c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, pluginid=ID_SELMIR, defaulth=80, defaultw=100)
- def RestoreLayout(self, sec_ref):
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Selmir_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Restore(pluginid=ID_SELMIR, secret=sec_ref)
- class Selpif_Dialogue(gui.GeDialog) :
- src = 123456
- chc = 0
- bool_src = False
- qte = 10
- bool_qte = False
- def CreateLayout(self) :
- self.GroupBegin(100, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 1, 1)
- self.GroupBorderSpace(5, 5, 5, 5)
- self.GroupBegin(101, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 2, 2)
- self.AddCheckbox(12, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 0, inith = 0, name = txt(SS_SELPIF_SRC))
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(11, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.AddCheckbox(16, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 0, inith = 0, name = txt(SS_SELPIF_QTE))
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(15, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.AddStaticText(13, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, name = txt(SS_SELPIF_CHC))
- self.AddEditNumberArrows(14, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT)
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupBegin(102, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, 2, 2)
- self.AddButton(1, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_VAL))
- self.AddButton(2, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, initw = 70, inith = 15, name = txt(SS_SS_FER))
- self.GroupEnd()
- self.GroupEnd()
- return True
- def InitValues(self) :
- self.SetTitle(txt(SS_SELPIF_NOM))
- self.SetLong(11, self.src)
- self.SetBool(12, self.bool_src)
- self.SetLong(15, self.qte, 0)
- self.SetBool(16, self.bool_qte)
- self.SetLong(14, self.chc)
- self.Enable(11, self.bool_src)
- self.Enable(15, self.bool_qte)
- self.Enable(14, not self.bool_qte)
- self.Enable(11, self.bool_src)
- return True
- def Command(self, id, msg) :
- if id == 12 : self.Enable(11, self.GetBool(12))
- if id == 16 :
- self.Enable(15, self.GetBool(16))
- self.Enable(14, not self.GetBool(16))
- if id == 1 :
- self.src = self.GetLong(11)
- self.bool_src = self.GetBool(12)
- self.qte = self.GetLong(15)
- self.bool_qte = self.GetBool(16)
- self.chc = self.GetLong(14)
- doc = documents.GetActiveDocument()
- obj = doc.GetActiveObject()
- self.sel_pif(doc, obj)
- if id == 2 :
- self.Close()
- return True
- def sel_pif(self, doc, obj) :
- if not obj : return
- polygonal = obj.CheckType(c4d.Opolygon)
- cerce = obj.CheckType(c4d.Ospline)
- if not polygonal and not cerce : return
- mode = doc.GetMode()
- if mode != c4d.Mpoints and mode != c4d.Mpolygons : return
- if mode == c4d.Mpolygons and cerce : return
- if mode == c4d.Mpoints :
- points = True
- bs = obj.GetPointS()
- else :
- points = False
- bs = obj.GetPolygonS()
- nbsel = bs.GetCount()
- if points : nbp = obj.GetPointCount()
- else : nbp = obj.GetPolygonCount()
- doc.StartUndo()
- src = self.src
- chc = abs(self.chc) + 1
- qte = self.qte
- if qte > nbp : qte = nbp
- bs.DeselectAll()
- if self.bool_src : random.seed(src)
- if self.bool_qte :
- liste = [0] * nbp
- for i in xrange(qte) : liste[i] = 1
- random.shuffle(liste)
- bs.SetAll(liste)
- else :
- if self.chc > 0 :
- for i in xrange(nbp) :
- pif = random.randint(0, chc)
- if pif : bs.Select(i)
- else :
- for i in xrange(nbp) :
- pif = random.randint(0, chc)
- if not pif : bs.Select(i)
- doc.EndUndo()
- c4d.EventAdd()
- class Selpif(plugins.CommandData) :
- dialog = None
- def Execute(self, doc) :
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Selpif_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Open(dlgtype=c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, pluginid=ID_SELPIF, defaulth=100, defaultw=70)
- def RestoreLayout(self, sec_ref):
- if self.dialog is None:
- self.dialog = Selpif_Dialogue()
- return self.dialog.Restore(pluginid=ID_SELPIF, secret=sec_ref)
- class SelSup(plugins.CommandData) :
- pass
- def icone(nom) :
- bmp = bitmaps.BaseBitmap()
- dir, file = os.path.split(__file__)
- fn = os.path.join(dir, "res", nom)
- bmp.InitWith(fn)
- return bmp
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELNSN, str = "#$00" + txt(SS_SELNSN_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELNSN_AID), dat = Selnsn(), icon = icone("selnsn.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELADJ, str = "#$01" + txt(SS_SELADJ_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELADJ_AID), dat = Seladj(), icon = icone("seladj.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELPIF, str = "#$02" + txt(SS_SELPIF_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELPIF_AID), dat = Selpif(), icon = icone("selpif.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELMIR, str = "#$03" + txt(SS_SELMIR_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELMIR_AID), dat = Selmir(), icon = icone("selmir.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELDIR, str = "#$04" + txt(SS_SELDIR_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELDIR_AID), dat = Seldir(), icon = icone("seldir.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELTAIL, str = "#$05" + txt(SS_SELTAIL_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELTAIL_AID), dat = Seltail(), icon = icone("seltail.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELTRI, str = "#$06" + txt(SS_SELTRI_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELTRI_AID), dat = Seltri(), icon = icone("seltri.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELQUAD, str = "#$07" + txt(SS_SELQUAD_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELQUAD_AID), dat = Selquad(), icon = icone("selquad.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELNGON, str = "#$08" + txt(SS_SELNGON_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELNGON_AID), dat = Selngon(), icon = icone("selngon.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELCON, str = "#$09" + txt(SS_SELCON_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELCON_AID), dat = Selcon(), icon = icone("selcon.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELIND, str = "#$10" + txt(SS_SELIND_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELIND_AID), dat = Selind(), icon = icone("selind.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=ID_SELPOS, str = "#$11" + txt(SS_SELPOS_NOM), info = 0, help = txt(SS_SELPOS_AID), dat = Selpos(), icon = icone("selpos.tif"))
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=SEPARATEUR_ID, str = "#$12--", info = 0, help = "vonc_selsup", dat = SelSup(), icon = None)
- plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=MODULE_ID, str = "#$13v 1.8 - http://code.vonc.fr", info = 0, help = "http://code.vonc.fr", dat = SelSup(), icon = icone("selsup.tif"))
复制代码 Fichier H :
- enum
- {
- SS_SS_VAL = 101,
- SS_SS_FER = 102,
- SS_SELDIR_NOM = 1001,
- SS_SELDIR_TOL = 1002,
- SS_SELDIR_LIM = 1003,
- SS_SELDIR_AID = 1004,
- SS_SELDIR_NOR = 1005,
- SS_SELNSN_NOM = 1101,
- SS_SELNSN_SEL = 1102,
- SS_SELNSN_SUR = 1103,
- SS_SELNSN_DEC = 1104,
- SS_SELNSN_AID = 1105,
- SS_SELTAIL_NOM = 1201,
- SS_SELTAIL_TOL = 1202,
- SS_SELTAIL_INF = 1203,
- SS_SELTAIL_SUP = 1204,
- SS_SELTAIL_AID = 1205,
- SS_SELTRI_NOM = 1301,
- SS_SELTRI_AID = 1302,
- SS_SELQUAD_NOM = 1401,
- SS_SELQUAD_AID = 1402,
- SS_SELNGON_NOM = 1501,
- SS_SELNGON_AID = 1502,
- SS_SELCON_NOM = 1601,
- SS_SELCON_AID = 1602,
- SS_SELIND_NOM = 1701,
- SS_SELIND_AID = 1702,
- SS_SELADJ_NOM = 1801,
- SS_SELADJ_AID = 1802,
- SS_SELPOS_NOM = 1901,
- SS_SELPOS_TOL = 1902,
- SS_SELPOS_AID = 1903,
- SS_SELPIF_NOM = 2001,
- SS_SELPIF_AID = 2002,
- SS_SELPIF_SRC = 2003,
- SS_SELPIF_QTE = 2004,
- SS_SELPIF_CHC = 2005,
- SS_SELMIR_NOM = 2101,
- SS_SELMIR_AID = 2102,
- SS_SELMIR_TOL = 2103,
- SS_SELMIR_AJS = 2104,
- }
复制代码 Fichier STR :
- {
- SS_SS_VAL "Appliquer";
- SS_SS_FER "Fermer";
- SS_SELDIR_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner les polys de m\u00EAme orientation";
- SS_SELDIR_TOL "Tol\u00E9rance :";
- SS_SELDIR_LIM "Limiter aux \u00E9l\u00E9ments connect\u00E9s";
- SS_SELDIR_NOR "D\u00E9finir la normale";
- SS_SELDIR_AID "S\u00E9lectionne les polygones ayant la m\u00EAme normale que le polygone s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9.";
- SS_SELNSN_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner les \u00E9l\u00E9ments alternativement";
- SS_SELNSN_SEL "S\u00E9lectionner :";
- SS_SELNSN_SUR "Sur :";
- SS_SELNSN_DEC "D\u00E9calage :";
- SS_SELNSN_AID "S\u00E9lectionne les polygones ou les points \u00E0 intervalle r\u00E9gulier \u00E0 partir de la s\u00E9lection active.";
- SS_SELTAIL_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner les polys de m\u00EAme taille";
- SS_SELTAIL_TOL "Tol\u00E9rance :";
- SS_SELTAIL_INF "Inclure les tailles inf\u00E9rieures";
- SS_SELTAIL_SUP "Inclure les tailles sup\u00E9rieures";
- SS_SELTAIL_AID "S\u00E9lectionne tous les polygones ayant plus ou moins le m\u00EAme p\u00E9rim\u00E8tre que le polygone s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9.";
- SS_SELTRI_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner les triangles";
- SS_SELTRI_AID "S\u00E9lectionne tous les triangles de l'objet actif.";
- SS_SELQUAD_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner les quadrangles";
- SS_SELQUAD_AID "S\u00E9lectionne tous les quadrangles de l'objet actif.";
- SS_SELNGON_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner les n-gones";
- SS_SELNGON_AID "S\u00E9lectionne tous les n-gones de l'objet actif.";
- SS_SELCON_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner les contours";
- SS_SELCON_AID "S\u00E9lectionne tous les contours de l'objet actif.";
- SS_SELIND_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner jusqu'\u00E0 l'indice";
- SS_SELIND_AID "S\u00E9lectionne tous les polygones ou tous les points d'indice inf\u00E9rieur au polygone/point s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9 d'un objet ou d'une cerce (spline).";
- SS_SELADJ_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner les \u00E9l\u00E9ments adjacents";
- SS_SELADJ_AID "S\u00E9lectionne les polygones ou les points adjacents \u00E0 la s\u00E9lection active.";
- SS_SELPOS_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner jusqu'\u00E0 la position";
- SS_SELPOS_TOL "Tol\u00E9rance :";
- SS_SELPOS_AID "S\u00E9lectionne les points ou les polygones ayant une position sup\u00E9rieure ou inf\u00E9rieure \u00E0 un point donn\u00E9.";
- SS_SELPIF_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner les \u00E9l\u00E9ments al\u00E9atoirement";
- SS_SELPIF_AID "S\u00E9lectionne des polygones ou des points de fa\u00E7on al\u00E9atoire.";
- SS_SELPIF_SRC "Source :";
- SS_SELPIF_QTE "Quantit\u00E9 :";
- SS_SELPIF_CHC "Chances :";
- SS_SELMIR_NOM "S\u00E9lectionner les \u00E9l\u00E9ments par miroir";
- SS_SELMIR_AID "S\u00E9lectionne les points, ar\u00EAtes ou polygones oppos\u00E9s par rapport l'axe.";
- SS_SELMIR_TOL "Tol\u00E9rance :";
- SS_SELMIR_AJS "Ajouter \u00E0 la s\u00E9lection";
- }