C4D制作毛发文字 Creative Type with Cinema 4D Hair, MoGraph & XParticles 

2014-11-05 21:27 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D制作毛发文字 Creative Type with Cinema 4D Hair, MoGraph & XParticles
C4D制作毛发文字 Creative Type with Cinema 4D Hair, MoGraph & XParticles - C4D之家 - haircurl.jpg C4D制作毛发文字 Creative Type with Cinema 4D Hair, MoGraph & XParticles - C4D之家 - XP_Hair_Type.jpg C4D制作毛发文字 Creative Type with Cinema 4D Hair, MoGraph & XParticles - C4D之家 - hairstrand.jpg
In this short tutorial I show you a simple, yet effective technique, for generating a write on type animation using the Cinema 4D Hair Renderer.
I’ve split the tutorial into two steps, the first example uses the powerful MoGraph module, which makes this method accessible for most Cinema 4D users (if you don’t have the MoGraph module then upgrade now!). The second option uses X-Particles to achieve an almost identical result and demonstrates how there are always a multitude of options available in 3D and you can often achieve similar results using a variety of techniques.
Both techniques use Cinema 4D Hair to render the generated splines. This keeps the scene light as there is no geometry required.
X-Particles and Hair
The principle is really simple and relies on the use of either the MoGraph Tracer object or the more powerful X-Particles Trail object. Although both produce the same result, the X-Particles Trails object has the advantage over the MoGraph Tracer as it can be cached using the XP Cache object. Unfortunately the Tracer doesn’t have any caching options and although there are workarounds for this if you have X-Particles then I’d definitely recommend using the Trail and Cache object if you are going to be rendering any animations over a network.
As if you need another reason to add x-particles to your toolkit , it’s without doubt, one of the most powerful and flexible particle systems currently available.
Splines rendered with Hair
In this tutorial I produce a simple example by tracing the vertices of a sphere. The sphere is attached to a spline and animated with the Align To Spline tag. You can most definitely take this technique to the next level by refining the animation, perhaps keyframing the size of the sphere or even rotating the object as it travels to create a rope like twist with the traced hair. Lots of fun to be had with quick results, all the right ingredients to get those creative juices flowing.


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: CINEMA 4D
教程来源: C4D.CN
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