C4D叠加命令插件 Overlay - Command Plugin[v1.3, C4D R12 - R15] 

2014-10-21 11:44 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D叠加命令插件 Overlay - Command Plugin[v1.3, C4D R12 - R15]
C4D叠加命令插件 Overlay - Command Plugin[v1.3, C4D R12 - R15] - C4D之家 - 852967248dd3e6cb3942a1fe6af42945_XL.jpg

This plugin is a little helper. It will assign the Material with the name 'Overlay' to every object in a hierarchy or to all objects in the document.
If exactly one object is selected, everything below (including the selected object) will be assigned the 'Overlay' material.
If no object is selected, everything will be assigned an 'Overlay' material.

The Material 'Overlay' will be created, if no Material with that name exists. The 'Overlay' Texture-Tags can also be deleted/assigned/copied manually. If several 'Overlay' Materials are on the same object, successive calling of the command will remove them "layer" by "layer".

Changes 1.4:
R14 Compatible

Changes 1.3:
Also put overlays on any object which has a phong-tag or already a texture-tag assigned (even if it is a Null-Object...). This is just another "hint" for the Overlay Command, where *also* to put an Overlay Material (ie. not a restriction, but more objects will get the Overlay Material).


适用版本: C4D R15 - C4D R16 - C4D R17 - C4D R18 - C4D R19 - C4D R20 - C4D R21 - C4D S22 - C4D R23 - C4D S24 - C4D R25 - C4D S26 - C4D 2023 - C4D 2024 - C4D 2025
软件版本: Overlay v1.3
系统平台: Win MAC 
软件语言: 英文 
插件来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dsoft.html


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