NAB 2014 Rewind - Kevin Aguirre: Thinking Outside the Box with CINEMA 4D 

2014-09-23 23:03 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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NAB 2014 Rewind - Kevin Aguirre: Thinking Outside the Box with Cinema 4D
NAB 2014 Rewind - Kevin Aguirre: Thinking Outside the Box with CINEMA 4D - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2014-09-23 23.01.26.jpg

In this presentation, Kevin Aguirre from Cake Studios demonstrates projects for the Denver Broncos and The Box Score.
In stadium graphics for the Denver Broncos, Cake used unique multipass and compositing techniques to create a shockwave. Motion clips provide a smooth workflow to collapse and re-time animation sequences, while the ability to load a sound directly into Cinema 4D aids in syncing animation to a sound cue.
For The Box Score, Cake creates an extensive motion graphics rig, utilizing the Randomize Tool, PoseMorph, Xpresso ObjectList node, UserData and Parent Constraints.
Finally Kevin demonstrates how to align a texture using Camera Mapping and Generate UVW Coordinates to lock the texture in animation.
03:41Quick Tips: Live Select & Select Children
05:33Broncos: Shockwave
16:42Broncos: Motion Clips
18:56Broncos: Sound Track
21:43The Box Score
26:13Box Score: Panel Explosion / Randomize, PoseMorph, UserData, Xpresso
36:01Box Score: Hinges / Parent Constraint
44:13Box Score: Camera Mapping
48:13Q & A
Recorded live at NAB 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Cineversity
教程来源: C4D.CN
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