C4D草丛绘制插件 C4DZone Grass Painter 2.0 for Cinema4D R13-R16 

2014-09-22 19:43 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D草丛绘制插件 C4DZone Grass Painter 2.0 for Cinema4D R13-R16
C4D草丛绘制插件 C4DZone Grass Painter 2.0 for Cinema4D R13-R16 - C4D之家 - Crasspainter.jpg

Grass Painter可以轻松生成大量草丛,自定义草的类型,形状和卷曲等参数,利用BodyPaint可以直接选用想要的草丛类型和颜色,直接绘制覆盖到需要的地方。
Grass Painter is distinguished from competitors for its easy use and its totally revolutionary concept in the field. You will not become crazy to set an infinite number of parameters to determine the type of grass, shape, curl etc etc, using BodyPaint, select the type of grass you need and color directly with the mouse the area of lawn you want to cover.
Generated grass or plants are based on poly objects so you can use Grass Painter with all rendering engine as vray.
Grass Painter bundle include a large set of Grass, Plants and Flowes, but it’s totally expandable and customizable to your liking, in fact, you can create your own set of grass, plants and flowers and use it with our plugin. There are no limits to grass and plants combination, the only limit is your imagination.


适用版本: C4D R15 - C4D R16 - C4D R17 - C4D R18 - C4D R19 - C4D R20 - C4D R21 - C4D S22 - C4D R23 - C4D S24 - C4D R25 - C4D S26 - C4D 2023 - C4D 2024 - C4D 2025
软件版本: C4DZone Grass Painter 2.0
系统平台: Win MAC 
软件语言: 英文 
插件来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dsoft.html
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