木纹/木地板材质贴图合集二:Arroway Textures – WOOD vol.2 

2014-08-20 23:20 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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木纹/木地板材质贴图合集二:Arroway Textures – WOOD vol.2
Arroway Textures – WOOD vol.2
PNG | Textures | 10.09 GB
木纹/木地板材质贴图合集二:Arroway Textures – WOOD vol.2 - C4D之家 - dd646fa32f444e20fbef9d195448101d.jpg
Distinctiveness with timeless appeal – Exotic veneers play an increasingly important role in traditional as well as in contemporary design, where a simplification of form results in a greater emphasis on surface texture and color.

The manufacturing of wood veneers takes great skill as well as experience. Similarly, the creation of textures out of such veneers is a very time and resources consuming task. The use of a newly developed scanning process made it possible to digitize large veneered panels in high resolution while avoiding the problem of surface reflection. The thus obtained 4GB of raw data per wood species were then processed into high-quality textures using our tried and tested map creation techniques.

As the second part in our veneers series, this new release focuses on exotic woods and therfore is an ideal complement to the European veneers of the first collection.
Further details

The collection contains large-scale veneer textures of 33 Asian, African and Australian wood species. There are three textures sets available for every wood species, each with different area and resolution:

approx. 3m x 4m (9.8ft x 13.1ft) at 50dpi (6000px x 8000px)
approx. 3m x 1m (9.8ft x 3.3ft) at 85dpi (10000px x 3300px)
approx. 3m x 0.3m (9.8ft x 1.1ft) at 140dpi (15000px x 1800px)

Because of these different scale variations, the textures can be used in a very broad range of applications – from large-scale wall paneling down to furniture close-ups.


素材分类: 贴图材质 » 木纹
素材格式: JPEG
素材尺寸: 9
色彩模式: RGB
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