Luxx C4D动力学教程 Cinema4D Dynamics Training
Harness the power of Cinema 4D Dynamics
In this comprehensive series of workshops learn Cinema 4D Dynamics as you create five unique projects from start to finish. Each multi-section workshop includes real-world Cinema 4D techniques, presented in detail by your host and master Cinema 4D trainer, Tim Clapham (Host of both Making It Look Great 6 and 7).
Focus on harnessing the power of the Cinema 4D Dynamics engine and controlling simulations, starting with the basics, then moving to more advanced techniques in the later lessons. Continual reinforcement of key methods throughout the 3D process will help you make the techniques your own.
Each section also includes must-know general Cinema 4D techniques, including modelling, shaders, textures, expressions, animation, baking, lighting and rendering. Plus essential skills for efficient Cinema 4D workflow, including Xpresso techniques for increased creativity and productivity. Learn Dynamics is an indispensable training asset for all users of Cinema4D.
Take a seat and prepare yourself for an in-depth introduction to the fundamental principles of Cinema 4D Dynamics. Using a simple deckchair example, learn how to use Rigid Bodies to build the legs and supports and Connector objects to hinge them together. Next construct the seat using Soft Bodies and bind the entire structure together with Connector objects. Also learn to spot the common pitfalls and limitations, and solve them using alternative techniques. The Deckchair tutorial will give you all the skills you need to start using the powerful Cinema 4D Dynamics tool set in your own projects.
Dynamic features covered:Rigid Bodies, Soft Bodies, Hinge Connectors, Fixed Connectors, Dynamic Collisions, Compound Collision Shapes, Convex Hull and Moving Mesh, Display Options, Document Dynamic Settings, Baking Dynamic Simulations.
Other features covered: Modelling using NURBS, Modelling using polygons, Instance Objects, Splines, Point Selections.
Total duration:100 mins, 6 tutorials | Watch teaser
Sit back, relax and learn as you create a fun cartoon logo animation from initial concept, through modelling, animation and simulation to final output and render.
With a focus on Dynamics Soft Bodies, this workshop takes you through the process of modelling bouncy, cartoon style text.
Start by configuring the Soft Body parameters to create a bouncy, yet controlled simulation, then build a fuse using MoGraph and Soft Bodies. Next animate the spark along the fuse using a technique which automates the traditional frame-by-frame style of animation. Finish by using Cinema4D shaders along with Sketch & Toon to create individual styles.
Dynamic features covered:Rigid Bodies, Inherit Tag, Soft Bodies, Soft Body of Clones, Using pressure with Soft Bodies, Collision Objects, Follow Position and Rotation, Document Dynamic Settings, Xpresso Dynamic states.
Other features covered: HyperNURBS Modeling, Modeling tools (including Knife, Extrude, Edge Cut, Bridge) Cloner Sort, Tracer, Shader Effector – Modify Clone, Plain Effector, ExtrudeNURBS, SweepNURBS, Layers, Structure Manager, Align To Spline Tag, Gradient Shader, Sketch & Toon (Material, Cel Shader, Render Settings), Sketch Style Tag, Xpresso Point Node, Xpresso Range Mapper Node, Xpresso Time Node.
Total duration:162 mins, 7 tutorials | Watch teaser
This could be your lucky day! The Lotto workshop includes a wealth of tips to enhance not only your dynamic capabilities, but sharpen your MoGraph skills too.
Create hundreds of individual textures using Xpresso driven automated baking, then use these images inside several of the MoGraph shaders to create an abundance of uniquely numbered and coloured balls. Using a multitude of MoGraph Effectors, explore weighting, UV transform and falloff, then integrate this with Rigid Body Dynamics, Ragdoll Connectors and advanced techniques available through the Dynamics Xpresso Nodes. Master MoDynamics and unleash the power of the MoGraph toolset.
Dynamic features covered: Rigid Bodies, Ragdoll Connector, Follow Position & Rotation, Xpresso Dynamics Collision Node.
Other features covered:ExtrudeNURBS, Cloner Object, Matrix Object, Inheritance Effector, Random Effector, Formula Effector, Plain Effector, Delay Effector, Effector Falloff, Clone Weight Transform, Clone UV Transform, Bake Texture Tag (Automated Baking of Sequences, Baking Spherical Maps), Spline Shader, Ambient Occlusion Shader, Gradient Shader, Layer Shader, Lumas Shader, Fresnel Shader, MoGraph Multishader, MoGraph Color Shader, Layers, Xpresso Range Mapper Node, Xpresso Monoflop Node.
Total duration: 162 mins, 7 tutorials | Watch teaser
Break free from the average and liberate your Cinema 4D skills by rigging a fully automated, walking machine. Assembled using a combination of motors, connectors and springs, manufacture a mechanism designed to stride endlessly without a keyframe in sight. Collision detection techniques will allow you to build fully functioning chains that can be connected to other objects and used to pull them along. Finish by adding the appropriate shaders and materials. Chains is a comprehensive introduction to the power of combining motors, springs and connectors to create simulation driven animation.
Dynamic features covered: Rigid Bodies, Fixed Connectors, Hinge Connectors, Planar Connector, Motors, Springs, Collisions using another object.
Other features covered: ExtrudeNURBS, SweepNURBS, Modelling with Primitives, Cloner Object, Target Tag, Material Selections, Naming Tool, Tiles Shader, Layers.
Total duration:123 mins, 8 tutorials | Watch teaser
Do you sometimes find that you need to disable your dynamic objects and return them to their original state? Perhaps you’d like to control your dynamic simulations through audio, formulae, images or movies. Switching dynamics on and off at will, on a per-object basis, makes this possible.
Start with an exploration of more conventional techniques such as dynamic transitions and follow animation, then explore less obvious methods. Learn to control the dynamic state of your objects on the fly, by manipulating objects through Xpresso, and harness a technique that has the potential to be used in many other areas.
Dynamic features covered: Rigid Bodies, Collision Objects, Dynamic Clones, Enabling & Disabling Dynamics, Dynamic Transitions, Follow Position and Rotation
Other features covered: Cloner Object, Creating proxy objects for enhanced playback speed, Working with MoGraph Selections, Weighting MoGraph Objects, Formula Effector, Shader Effector, Plain Effector, Random Effector, MoGraph Color Shader, Colorizer Shader, Attribute Manager User Data, Xpresso (MoGraph Data & Selection Nodes, Iteration Node, Condition Node.
Total duration: 60 mins, 6 tutorials
About your Host: With over 13 years experience, Tim Clapham is an industry recognized expert in Cinema 4D and a renowned trainer with a strong attention to detail. As owner of LUXX, Tim works with a wide range of global advertising and broadcast companies, producing world-class content that is both technically challenging and innovative. Tim is also host of Making It Look Great 6 and 7.