口嚼糖C4D渲染 Wine Gums 

2014-05-26 20:49 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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口嚼糖C4D渲染 Wine Gums
口嚼糖C4D渲染 Wine Gums - C4D之家 - winegums_fullsize.jpg

To learn more about the possibilities of vray I played around with the FastSSS2 shader creating a winegum like material. I was pretty surprised how fast VRay renders subsurface scattering or DOF. It's not lightning fast but it's noticeable faster than any other render engine I tried. From this point I got the idea to model a plastic bag for the wine gums and some more objects to enhance the scene. After all I put together the whole scene and used the Cinema 4D dynamics engine to place the winegums on the surface in a natural way.


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