最新c4d模型 - Latest c4d model
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教程格式: | MP4 |
教程语言: | 英文 |
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教程性质: | 普通教程 |
教程作者: | 3D |
教程来源: | 菜鸟C4D交流论坛 |
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- 黏稠小球C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Dripping Liquid Slime Effect Tutorial
- C4D BP基础教程 Introduction to BodyPaint in Cinema 4D
- C4D阿诺德渲染器制作冰椅效果 Realistic Ice Material Tutorial
- C4D模型展UV贴图基础教程 Pluralsight – CINEMA 4D UV Mapping Fundamentals
- C4D Redshift渲染器快速掌握指南写实蜗牛案例教程 C4D Redshift Snail BodyPaint
- C4D使用制作卡通母鸡小场景教程 Redshift C4D Bodypaint Chiсken
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- C4D循环动画教程 Looping tutorial lesson 01
- 科幻机甲人机械人机器人5 Sci- Fi Characters- Vol 01- High detail 3d models VR / AR / low-poly 3d model
202个污垢损坏金属粗糙度木材贴图素材Artstation – 200+ stencils dirt and damage, roughness, metal, wood
50多个香烟雪茄烟灰缸c4d模型合集Cigars Cigarettes Joints Blunts And Ashtrays
复古中式日式实木结构房屋建筑道具元素c4d/blend模型下载Japanese Village Kitbash
阿诺德渲染器C4DtoA v4.7.5支持Cinema 4D 2024.4新粒子系统windows/C4D R21-2024