Digital Juice实用纹理贴图合集1-4 Digital Juice Texture Toolkit Collection 1-4 

2014-03-03 18:33 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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Digital Juice实用纹理贴图合集1-4 (BT+迅雷快传)四集共计:88.5G的文件(含贴图、纹理、图片、Digital Juice)

Digital Juice Texture Toolkit Collection 1-4
For years one of the secret weapons used by Digital Juice artists and animators has been our custom collection of seamless textures. Now for the first time, we're letting this treasure trove of possibilities leave home. If you've ever looked at a blank canvas in Photoshop, After Effects, or even in PowerPoint and not known what to do or where to start, the more than 1000 super high-resolution textures in the Texture Toolkit collection are designed just for you. Delivered at a maximum resolution of 4000 x 4000 pixels, most of these textures are also seamless in all directions and many have a built in alpha so they can be layered on top of other images for unique effects.
Long relegated to the "freebie" bin of the web, GOOD textures - particularly high resolution and seamless textures - can actually be hard to find. These long misunderstood workhorses of the creative industry are an essential tool when working with photos, illustrations, videos and animations of any kind. They can be a subtle accent or add a striking look to a hero element but they are rarely the star of the show. Their main job is to add context and subtext to your creations. Whether used alone as a background or mixed with other textures and images to give depth and sophistication, textures can create a mood without saying a word. The right texture can take a simple photo and make it more dramatic or give a simple object the weather-beaten look of a treasured antique.

Digital Juice实用纹理贴图合集1-4 Digital Juice Texture Toolkit Collection 1-4 - C4D之家 - 201528ekehx64e6e666v6b.jpg


素材分类: 贴图材质 » 其它
素材格式: JPEG
素材尺寸: 4
色彩模式: RGB
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