C4D坐标插件:Lost a Point 2.1.9 

2014-02-17 21:13 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D坐标插件:Lost a Point 2.1.9
Lost a Point is a Cinema 4D r13/14/15 plugin dedicated to our C4Dzone users developed in order to fix some missing features of P2P modeling with Cinema 4D.
Lost a Point solves two Cinema 4D frustrating situations:
1) You can use a selected point of a points cloud, during P2P modelling, as coordinates reference in the orthogonal views and make new points at the same coordinates, this feature infact is bugged on the frontal view of R14 and is very important for P2P modelling techniques.
2) Now you can add points that lie along the axis without Zooming In or Zooming out the viewport or otherwise you have to place the points in a Zig Zag way and adjust them later on.
Thanks to Lost a Point you can easily and quickly trace your references. It works with spline and poly objects.
In order to use correctly this tool the selected object must have Axis coordinates set to (0,0,0) and shouldn’t have Rotation or Scale transformation.
Features in this new release 2.0:
The previous release of this plugin needs a frequent switch between the lost a point tool and the move tool in order to select the point for copying the coordinates.
This workflow need to be improved and this is what we have done with the 2.0 release.
Lost a Point now integrates the move and select tools inside, no more tool exchange
Also in this release we have integrated a snap guide to selected point or cursor place just pressing SHIFT key
For more information watch video attachment
Features in this new release 2.1.7:
Minor improvements, new feature automatic selection of new points
Features in this new release 2.1.9:
Bug Fix undo redo
Cinema4D and system requirements:
-Cinema4D release 13/14/15
-OSX Snow Leopard or greater
-Windows 7 32/64 bit or greater

C4D坐标插件:Lost a Point 2.1.9 - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2014-02-17 下午9.12.56.jpg

适用版本: C4D R15 - C4D R16 - C4D R17 - C4D R18 - C4D R19 - C4D R20 - C4D R21 - C4D S22 - C4D R23 - C4D S24 - C4D R25 - C4D S26 - C4D 2023 - C4D 2024 - C4D 2025
软件版本: Lost a Point 2.1.9
系统平台: Win MAC 
软件语言: 英文 
插件来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dsoft.html
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